All sessions will take place in the main building of the TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna.
Room: Prechtl-Saal (main entrance, ground floor, first corridor to the left).
Tuesday, 6.10.98, 12:45 - 13:00
Session 1: Search and Constraints
Tuesday, 6.10.98, 13:00 - 14:30
Holzbaur, C., Frühwirth, T. (Univ. Wien, LMU München):
Join Evaluation Schemata for Constraint Handling Rules (CHR).
Hanus, M., Rety, P. (RWTH Aachen, Univ. Orleans):
Demand-driven Search in Functional Logic Programs.
- Wolf, A. (GMD FIRST, Berlin):
Adaptive Entailment of Equations over Rational Trees.
Session 2: Applications I
Tuesday, 6.10.98, 15:00 - 16:30
Boulanger, D., Geske, U. (GMD FIRST, Berlin):
Using Logic Programming in Java Environment.
Faber, W., Leone, N., Pfeifer, G. (TU Wien):
Representing School Timetabling in a Disjunctive Logic Programming
- John, U. (GMD FIRST, Berlin):
Effizientes Lösen technischer Konfigurationsprobleme.
Demo 1
Tuesday, 6.10.98, 16:30 - 17:10
- Goltz, H.-J. et al. (GMD FIRST):
CLP(FD)-basierte Erzeugung und Internet-Darstellung von Stundenplänen für Universitäten.
- Bihlmeyer, R. et al. (TU Wien):
dlv -- An Overview.
Invited Talk
Wednesday, 7.10.98, 9:00 - 10:00
- Dix, J. (Univ. Koblenz): Some Tendencies in Logic Programming.
Session 3: Semantics
Wednesday, 7.10.98, 10:00 - 10:30
Jarre, F., Lepenis, R., Seipel, D. (Univ. Würzburg):
Using Linear and Semi-Definite Programming for Computing Models
of Disjunctive Deductive Databases.
Session 4: Model Building
Wednesday, 7.10.98, 11:00 - 12:00
- Gottlob, G. Pichler, R. (TU Wien):
Towards a Compact Knowledge Representation by AR Models.
- Matzinger, R. (TU Wien):
On Computational Representations of Herbrand Models.
Session 5: Execution and Abstract Machines
Wednesday, 7.10.98, 14:00 - 15:30
Wichert, C., Fent, A., Freitag, B. (Univ. Passau):
How to Execute ULTRA Transactions.
Eder, K. (Univ. Bristol):
Implementing the Rewriting Computational Model of Escher.
- v. Drach, A., Geisler, T. Panne, S. Sacher, D. (LMU München):
An Abstract Machine for Model Generation with PUHR Tableaux.
Demo 2
Wednesday, 7.10.98, 16:00 - 17:00
- Abdennadher, S., Marte, M. (LMU München):
Constraintbasierte Stundenplanung für Universitäten.
- Bry, F. et al. (LMU München),
SIC: An Interactive Tool for the Design of Integrity Constraints.
- v. Drach, A., Geisler, T. Panne, S. Sacher, D. (LMU München):
SatAM -- Satchmo Abstract Machine.
Session 6: Termination
Thursday, 8.10.98, 9:00 - 9:30
- Neumerkel, U. (TU Wien):
Slicing nichtterminierender Programme.
Session 7: Applications II
Thursday, 8.10.98, 9:30 - 10:30
- Kirchberg, P., Mayer, O. (Univ. Kaiserslautern):
Integration temporallogischer Verarbeitungskonzepte in C++.
- Kmoch, A. (GMD FIRST, Berlin):
COBOL-Spezifikation mittels Prolog.
Session 8: Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Thursday, 8.10.98, 11:00 - 12:00
May, W., Kandzia, P. (Univ. Freiburg):
Nonmonotonic Inheritance in Object-Oriented Deductive Database
Linke, T., Schaub, T. (Univ. Potsdam):
An approach to query answering in Reiter's default logic and the
underlying existence of extensions problem.