
An introduction to dlvhex and some examples and code snippets can be found in the User Guide.

Mailing Lists

Discussions and help shall be fostered by the following public mailing lists. You can easily subscribe to a mailing list by visiting the appropriate link below.

Mailing list Purpose
dlvhex-announce News about dlvhex releases (low volume)
dlvhex-devel dlvhex development and usage discussion
dlvhex-nightlies dlvhex nightly build logs
dlvhex-notify svn commit notification (high volume)

Bug Tracking

If you find bugs in dlvhex, please send us a bug report.

Development related tasks are being managed at the issue tracker of If you want to help us, just create a github account and write us an email.

As usual, if you run into troubles building dlvhex or some plugins, just drop us an email or subscribe to the dlvhex-devel mailing list.

Online Source Browser

all repositories
dlvhex development version
dlvhex release 2.X
dlvhex release 1.X


dlvhex source code @

Popular Plugins
Action Plugin
DecisionDiagrams Plugin
Description Logics Plugin
Description Logics Lite Plugin
MELD: Belief Merging Plugin
Nested HEX Plugin
MCSIE Plugin
String Plugin
dlvhex-semweb Project

User Guide
Writing Plugins in C++
Writing Plugins in Python