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This panel took place at the
9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'04),
Lisbon, Portugal, on September 27, 2004.
The panelists were
- José Júlio Alferes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal),
- Nicola Leone (Universitá della Calabria, Italy, WASP member),
- Torsten Schaub (Universität Potsdam, Germany, WASP member),
- Ken Satoh (National Institute of Informatics, Japan),
- Yannis Dimopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus, WASP member), and
- Tomi Janhunen (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, WASP member).
The panel was organized by
the WASP members
- Gerhard Brewka (Universität Leipzig, Germany),
- Jürgen Dix (Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany), and
- Thomas Eiter (Technische Universität Wien, Austria).
with grateful help from the local JELIA Organizing Committee.
Stefan Woltran