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concludes the round of panelists with the following comments:
- ad Q1+Q2.
- Configuration. One issue is that specification is not always
clear. Therefore revising the KR language is often necessary.
Examples: Chemical engineering, chromatography.
Problems: Inexact definitions, errors in the data.
- ad Q3.
- Programmers often do not know how to characterize the
solutions. ASP seems to be suitable for ``trial and error" approaches.
- ad Q4.
- Compared to Prolog, ASP is more efficient and truly
declarative. Mathematical definitions exist.
- ad Q5.
- Modularity is needed, e.g. subprograms, aggregates, and other
abstract features. Software Engineering techniques and tools are
needed. Combination with randomized computations (e.g., random
assignments for student exercises) is desirable.
- ad Q6.
- Engineers are already trained to use ASP, so chances are low that
ASP is just a hype which will disappear soon. So the current state is
J. Dix thanks the panelists and opens the discussion.
Stefan Woltran