Peer-reviewed publications


  1. 1.G. Brewka, T. Eiter, M. Truszczynski: "Answer Set Programming at a Glance"; Communications of the ACM, 54 (2011), 12; S. 92 - 103.

  2. 2.T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Lukasiewicz, R. Schindlauer, H. Tompits: "Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web"; Artificial Intelligence, 172 (2008), 12-13; S. 1495 – 1593.

  3. 3.T. Eiter, M. Fink, T. Krennwallner, C. Redl: "Conflict-driven ASP solving with external sources"; Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 12 (2012), 4-5; S. 659 - 679.

  4. 4.T. Eiter, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Conjunctive query answering in the description logic SH using knots"; Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78 (2012), 1; S. 47 - 85.

  5. 5.J. De Bruijn, T. Eiter, A. Polleres, H. Tompits: "Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination"; ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12 (2011).

  6. 6.T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner, R. Schindlauer: "Exploiting conjunctive queries in description logic programs"; Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 53 (2008), 1-4; S. 115 - 152.

  7. 7.T. Eiter, M. Simkus: "FDNC: Decidable Non-monotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols"; ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 11 (2010), 2; S. 1 - 45.

  8. 8.T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Lukasiewicz, R. Schindlauer: "Well-founded semantics for description logic programs in the Semantic Web"; ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12 (2011), 2; pp. 1 - 41.  


  9. 9. J. De Bruijn, S. Heymans: "Logical Foundations of RDF(S) with Datatypes"; Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 38 (2010), pp. 535 – 568

  10. 10.C. Feier, S. Heymans: "Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs and f-hybrid knowledge bases"; Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, FirstView (2011), pp. 1 – 69

  11. 11.M. Dao-Tran, T. Eiter, M. Fink, T. Krennwallner: "Dynamic Distributed Nonmontonic Multi-Context Systems"; in: "Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Essays Celebrating its 30th Anniversary", G. Brewka, V. Marek, M. Truszczynski (Hrg.); College Publications, London, United Kingdom, 2011, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-1-84890-042-4.  

  12. 12.W. Drabent, T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner, T. Lukasiewicz, J. Maluszynski: "Hybrid Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies"; in: "Semantic Techniques for the Web: The REWERSE Perspective", F. Bry, J. Maluszynski (Hrg.); Springer, Heidelberg, 2009, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-642-04580-6, pp. 1 - 49.

  13. 13.T. Eiter, C. Feier, M. Fink: "Simulating Production Rules Using ACTHEX"; in: "Correct Reasoning, Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz", E. Erdem, J. Lee, Y. Lierler, D. Pearce (Hrg.); Springer, LNCS 7265, 2012, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-642-30742-3, pp. 211 - 228.

  14. 14.C. Feier, S. Heymans: "Hybrid Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs";  in: "Proceedings of 6th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009)", Springer LNCS, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-02120-6, pp. 338 – 352

  15. 15.T. Eiter, M. Simkus: "Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols"; in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)", C. Boutilier (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2009), pp. 765 - 771.  

  16. 16.T. Eiter, G. Brewka, M. Dao-Tran, M. Fink, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner: "Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases with External Sources";  in: "7th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCos 2009)", S. Ghilardi, R. Sebastiani (Hrg.); Springer, 5749 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-04221-8; pp. 18 - 42.

  17. 17.J. Puehrer, S. Heymans, T. Eiter: "Dealing with Inconsistency When Combining Ontologies and Rules Using DL-Programs"; in: "7th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)", A. Lora, G. Antoniou, E. Hyvönen, A. ten Teije, H. Stuckenschmidt, L. Cabral, T. Tudorache (Hrg.); Springer, 5554 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-13485-2; pp. 183 - 197.

  18. 18.T. Eiter, T. Krennwallner, C. Redl: "Declarative Merging of and Reasoning about Decision Diagrams";  in: "Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics 2011 (WCB 2011)", A. Dal Palù, A. Dovier, A. Formisano (Hrg.); Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy (2011), Paper-Nr. 1, 13 pp.

  19. 19.T. Eiter, M. Fink, T. Krennwallner: "Decomposition of Declarative Knowledge Bases with External Functions";  in: "Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)", C. Boutilier (Hrg.); AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, U.S.A. (2009), pp. 752 - 758.

  20. 20.G. Xiao, S. Heymans, T. Eiter: "DReW: a Reasoner for Datalog-rewritable Description Logics and DL-Programs";  in: "1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010)", T. Eiter, A. El Ghali, S. Fernández, S. Heymans, T. Krennwallner, F. Lévy (Hrg.); Ontorule Project, (2010), 14 pp.

  21. 21.J. De Bruijn, T. Eiter, H. Tompits: "Embedding Approaches to Combining Rules and Ontologies into Autoepistemic Logic";  in: "Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'08)", G. Brewka, J. Lang (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-57735-384-3; pp. 485 - 495.  

  22. 22.T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner, R. Schindlauer: "Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs"; in: "Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM)", M. Kaminski, M. Truszczynski (Hrg.); (2008), 9 pp.  

  23. 23.T. Eiter, M. Fink, T. Krennwallner, C. Redl, P. Schüller: "Exploiting Unfounded Sets for HEX-Program Evaluation"; in: "13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2012)", L. del Cerro, A. Herzig, J. Mengin (Hrg.); Springer, LNCS 7519 (2012), ISBN: 978-3-642-33352-1; pp. 160 - 175.

  24. 24.T. Eiter, M. Fink, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner, P. Schüller: "Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition";  in: "11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2011)", J. Delgrande, W. Faber (Hrg.); Springer, (2011), pp. 93 - 106.   

  25. 25.T. Eiter, C. Lutz, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles"; in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)", C. Boutilier (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2009), pp. 759 - 764.  

  26. 26.T. Eiter, C. Lutz, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Query Answering in Description Logics: The Knots Approach";  in: "Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5514", H. Ono, M. Kanazawa, R. de Queiroz (Hrg.); Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Heidelberg (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-02260-9; pp. 26 - 36.

  27. 27.T. Eiter, G. Gottlob, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Query Answering in the Description Logic Horn-SHIQ";  in: "Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 08)", S. Hölldobler, C. Lutz, H. Wansing (Hrg.); Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5293 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-87802-5; pp. 166 - 179.

  28. 28.M. Bienvenu, T. Eiter, C. Lutz, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Query Answering in the Description Logic S"; in: "Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2010)", V. Haarslev, D. Toman, G. Weddell (Hrg.); CEUR workshop proceedings, 573 (2010), ISSN: 1613-0073; pp. 149 - 160.

  29. 29.T. Eiter, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, T. Tran, G. Xiao: "Query Rewriting for Horn-SHIQ Plus Rules"; in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence", J. Hoffmann, B. Selman (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2012), ISBN: 978-1-57735-568-7; pp. 726 - 733.

  30. 30.M. Dao-Tran, T. Eiter, T. Krennwallner: "Realizing Default Logic over Description Logic Knowledge Bases"; in: "European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2009)", C. Sossai, G. Chemello (Hrg.); Springer, 5590 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-02905-9; pp. 602 - 613.

  31. 31.T. Eiter, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Reasoning Using Knots"; in: "15th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR08)", I. Cervesato, H. Veith, A. Voronkov (Hrg.); Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Volume 5330 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-89438-4; pp. 377 - 390.

  32. 32.D. Calvanese, T. Eiter, M. Ortiz de la Fuente: "Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals";  in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)", C. Boutilier (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2009), pp. 714 - 720.   

  33. 33.T. Eiter, G. Ianni, T. Krennwallner, A. Polleres: "Rules and Ontologies for the Semantic Web"; in: "Reasoning Web", C. Baroglio, P. Bonatti, J. Maluszynski, M. Marchiori, A. Polleres, S. Schaffert (Hrg.); Springer, 5224 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-85656-6; pp. 1 - 53.

  34. 34.T. Eiter, M. Fink, D. Stepanova: "Semantic Independence in DL-programs"; in: "Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 6th International Conference, RR 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 10-12, 2012. Proceedings", M. Krötzsch, U. Straccia (Hrg.); Springer, LNCS 7497 (2012), pp. 58 – 74.

  35. 35.T. Eiter: "SMS and ASP: Hype or TST?";  in: "24th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2008)", M. Garcia de la Banda, E. Pontelli (Hrg.); Springer, LNCS 5366 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-89981-5; pp. 77 - 82.

  36. 36.T. Eiter, M. Mushthofa, W. Faber: "Space Efficient Evaluation of ASP Programs with Bounded Predicate Arities"; in: "Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2010)", M. Fox, D. Poole (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-57735-463-5; pp. 303 - 308.

  37. 37.G. Xiao, T. Eiter, S. Heymans: "The DReW System for Nonmonotonic DL-Programs"; in: "Proceedings of Joint Conference of the Sixth Chinese Semantic Web Symposium and the First Chinese Web Science Conference", J. Li et al. (Hrg.); Sprlinger, (2012).

  38. 38.T. Eiter, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, T. Tran, G. Xiao: "Towards Practical Query Answering for Horn SHIQ.";  in: "Proc. of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2012)", Y. Kazakov, D. Lembo, F. Wolter (Hrg.); CEUR workshop proceedings, 846 (2012), ISSN: 1613-0073; pp. 158 - 168.

  39. 39.S. Heymans, T. Eiter, G. Xiao: "Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics";  in: "19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010)", H. Coelho, R. Studer, M. Wooldridge (Hrg.); IOS Press, 215 (2010), ISBN: 978-1-60750-605-8; pp. 35 - 40.

  40. 40.T. Eiter, T. Krennwallner, P. Schneider, G. Xiao: "Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic DL-Programs"; in: "7th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2012)", T. Lukasiewicz, A. Sali (Hrg.); Springer, 7153 (2012), pp. 1 - 22.

  41. 41.M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, T. Eiter: "Worst-case Optimal Conjunctive Query Answering for an Expressive Description Logic without Inverses";  in: "23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence", D. Fox, C.P. Gomes (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-57735-368-3; pp. 504 - 510.  

  42. 42.M. Fink: "Paraconsistent Hybrid Theories"; in: "Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2012", G. Brewka, T. Eiter, S. McIlraith (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2012), ISBN: 978-1-57735-560-1; pp. 391

  43. 43.M. Fink, D. Pearce: "Some Equivalence Concepts for Hybrid Theories"; in: "Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Spanish Organization for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2009)", Spanish Association for Artifical Intelligence, (2009), pp. 327 – 336. 

  44. 44.D. Calvanese, D. Carbotta, M. Ortiz de la Fuente: "A Practical Automata-Based Technique for Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics";  in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", T. Walsh (Hrg.); (2011), ISBN: 978-1-57735-516-8; pp. 798 – 804

  45. 45.M. Ortiz de la Fuente: "An Automata-based algorithm for description logics around SRIQ"; in: "Fourth Latin American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning", M. Osorio, I. Olmos (Hrg.); CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 408 (2008), ISSN: 1613-0073; Paper-Nr. 1, 15 pp.

  46. 46.M. Bienvenu, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Answering Expressive Path Queries over Lightweight DL Knowledge Bases";  in: "Proc. of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2012)", Y. Kazakov, D. Lembo, F. Wolter (Hrg.); (2012), ISSN: 1613-0073; pp. 81 – 91

  47. 47.M. Ortiz de la Fuente: "Complexity of Query Answering over Expressive Knowledge Bases"; in: "Proceedings of MICAI-2008, Doctoral Consortium", M. Montes y Gomez, M. Gonzalez Mendoza (Hrg.); (2008), pp. 22 – 25 

  48. 48.D. Calvanese, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus: "Containment of Regular Path Queries under Description Logic Constraints";  in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", T. Walsh (Hrg.); (2011), ISBN: 978-1-57735-516-8; pp. 805 – 812

  49. 49.M. Ortiz de la Fuente: "Extending Carin to the Description Logics of the SH Family"; in: "Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 08)", S. Hölldobler, C. Lutz, H. Wansing (Hrg.); Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5293 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-87802-5; pp. 324 – 337

  50. 50.M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, S. Rudolph: "Query Answering in the Horn Fragments of the Description Logics SHOIQ and SROIQ";  in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", T. Walsh (Hrg.); (2011), ISBN: 978-1-57735-516-8; pp. 1039 – 1044

  51. 51.D. Calvanese, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, G. Stefanoni: "The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Abduction in DL-Lite";  in: "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", R. Rosati, S. Rudolph, M. Zakharyaschev (Hrg.); CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 745 (2011), ISSN: 1613-0073; Paper-Nr. 49, 11 pp.

  52. 52.D. Calvanese, M. Ortiz de la Fuente, M. Simkus, G. Stefanoni: "The Complexity of Explaining Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite"; in: "Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012", G. Brewka, T. Eiter, S. McIlraith (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2012), ISBN: 978-1-57735-560-1; pp. 583 – 587

  53. 53.M. Ortiz de la Fuente, S. Rudolph, M. Simkus: "Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2";  in: "Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2010)", F. Lin, U. Sattler, M. Truszczynski (Hrg.); AAAI Press, Menlo Park, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-57735-452-9; pp. 269 – 279

  54. 54.M. Simkus: "Fusion of Logic Programming and Description Logics"; in: "25th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2009)", P. Hill, D. Warren (Hrg.); LNCS, Springer, 5649 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-02845-8; pp. 551 – 552

  55. 55. C. Feier, S. Heymans: "A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs"; in: "Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming on the (Semantic) Web and Web Services (ALPSWS 2008)", CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2008), ISSN: 1613-0073; pp. 15 – 28

  56. 56. C. Feier, S. Heymans: "An Optimization for Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs"; in: "Proc. of the Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2010)", S. Woltran, M. Balduccini (Hrg.); (2010), 15 pp.

  57. 57. C. Feier: "Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs";  in: "13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning", G. Brewka, T. Eiter, S. McIlraith (Hrg.); AAAI Press, (2012), ISBN: 978-1-57735-561-8; pp. 608 – 612 

  58. 58. G. Xiao, Y. Ma: "Inconsistency Measurement based on Variables in Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets";  in: "Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Ch. Bessiere, L. Raedt, D. Dubois, P. Doherty, P. Frasconi, F. Heintz, P. Lucas (Hrg.); IOS Press, 242 (2012), ISBN: 978-1-61499-097-0; pp. 864 – 869

  59. 59.Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink and Daria Stepanova. “Data Repair for Inconsistent DL-programs“; in: Proc. of the Twenty-Third Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013. in press

  60. 60. Yisong Wang, Jia-HuaiYou, L. Yuan, Y.-D. Shen, and T. Eiter. Eliminating nonmonotonic DL-atoms in description logic programs. In: D. Lembo and W. Faber, editors, Proc. 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2013), July 27-29, 2013, Mannheim, Germany, LNCS 7994.  Springer, 2013. pp. 168–182. 


  1. 61.Thomas Eiter, T. Krennwallner, and P. Schneider. Lightweight spatial conjunctive query answering using keywords. In P. Cimiano et al., editor, Proceedings 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013), number 7882 in LNCS, pages 243-258. Springer, 2013