Before utilizing DMCS, you need to properly set up the system.
Step 1: If you decide to use a manager for your system, then proceed with this step, otherwise skip to the next step.
$ dmcsm [--port=PORT]
The command-line argument --port informs the daemon the port that it is going to use for communication.
Step 2: For each context in the system run the following command on its designated machine.
$ dmcsd --context=NUM --kb=FILE --br=FILE --manager=HOST:PORT
Command-line arguments:
Step 3: The equilibria of the system wrt. context NUM can be computed by running:
$ dmcsc --context=NUM --manager=HOST:PORT [--query-variables=QUERY_VARS]
The paramters have the same meaning as above, and --query-variables specifies a list of intergers (encompassed in a string), each is corresponding to a filter of atoms for the output of a context in the system, in which bit position i of the k-th interger in the list is set to 1 if the user wants to see the truth value of the i-th atom in context Ck. Note that in our test cases, atoms in a context Ck are ordered as ak, bk, ck,... i.e., ak has position 1, bk has position 2, and so on. If this parameter is present in the command line options, DMCS will be calles; otherwise, the system will rung DMCSOPT.
For the development version of dmcs, the manager refers to the generated topology of the systtem, one can run the system as follows.
Step 1: Setup the daemons for all contexts in the system
$ dmcsd --context=NUM --port=PORT --kb=FILE --br=FILE --topology=FILE
where the --topology argument specifies the file which sores the pre-computed topology of the system. There are two options: either the original topology in a .top file or the optimal one in a .opt file. Note that all contexts must agree on the type of topology loaded.
Step 2: Computing the equilibria now is done by:
$ dmcsc --hostname=HOST --port=PORT --system-size=NUM --manager=FILE [--query-variables=QUERY_VARS]
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