KMonitor - A Tool for Monitoring Plan Execution


KMonitor is a collection of scripts and support programs which use the KDiagnose tool and DLV to monitor plan execution. During the execution of a plan (a linear sequence A_0, ... , A_n of actions) in a non-deterministic environment we may reach some state which doesn't correspond to any of the expected trajectories.

KMonitor facilitates the execution of this plan, and calls the KDiagnose to check for these discrepancies at given checkpoints during the execution.

A formal description of discrepancies, trajectories and types of checkpointing policies can be found in paper "KMonitor - A Tool for Monitoring Plan Execution in Action Theories". The implementation is available as a .tar.gz package of Linux/i386 binaries and shell scripts. The examples used are also available for download.

The approach has been "agentized" in JADE as part of a student project.

This work is part of the project "Answer Set Programming for Reactive Planning and Execution Monitoring"


User Manual

You can invoke KMonitor with the following parameters:

PLAN File which contains the planning problem described in language K (.plan extension required)
BACKGROUND File which contains the background logic for the planning problem in Datalog language (.dl extension required)
PLAN File which contains the plan to diagnose (syntax as in the output of DLV)
TRAJTYPE Switch which selects how the preferred trajectories T should be generated:
-add TRAJ contains a constraint in K language which limits the original planning problem (.plan extension required)
-new TRAJ contains a new planning problem in K which outputs the preferred trajectories (.plan extenstion required)
-ext TRAJ contains the list of preferred trajectories which conform to the actions in the plan (syntax as in the output of DLV)
TRAJ Used with previous switch
POLTYPE Switch which selects what type of checkpointing policy is used:
-static Static policy which should be evaluated only once.
-dynamic Dynamic policy which should be evaluated at each step.
-sleep Dynamic policy with sleep mode, evaluating in the beginning and then as ordered by previous evaluation.
POLICY File which contains the checkpointing policy, described in the DLV language
-i If present, enables `interactive' mode -- after each discrepancy user can choose whether abort, continue or switch back to batch mode.


We are continuing the example used for diagnosing plan execution . There are three variants on this example inside the examples.tar.gz file. Each variant covers one type of checkpointing policy - static, dynamic and sleep. In each variant we are reusing several files from the old example - Decription of the planning problem: The state information used in the example for stage X is described in the files state.X and cstate.X. Each pair contains the same information as follows:
STATE 0: on(x,table), on(a,table), on(p,a), on(r,i), on(i,table), on(s,table)
STATE 1: on(x,table), on(a,table), on(p,a), on(r,p), on(i,table), on(s,table)
STATE 2: on(x,table), on(a,table), on(p,a), on(r,p), on(i,s),     on(s,table)
STATE 3: on(x,table), on(a,table), on(p,a), on(r,i), on(i,s),     on(s,table)
STATE 4: on(x,table), on(a,table), on(p,r), on(r,i), on(i,s),     on(s,table)
STATE 5: on(x,table), on(a,p),     on(p,r), on(r,i), on(i,s),     on(s,table)
STATE 6: on(x,table), on(a,p),     on(p,r), on(r,i), on(i,s),     on(s,table)

Static checkpointing policy

kmonitor K.plan background.dl plan -add T.plan -static static.cp

In this policy, we define checkpoints as the states after moving a `heavy' block, where heavy blocks are blocks p, r and s.

The checkpointing policy definition file static.cp is as follows:

checkpoint(TT) :- move(X,Y,T),heavy(X),#succ(T,TT).
Evaluation of the policy yields the following checkpoints: 1,3,4 and 6. During the plan execution monitoring, the states at these stages are checked and, if a discrepancy is detected, then a diagnosis is computed.

Dynamic checkpointing policy

kmonitor K.plan background.dl plan -add T.plan -dynamic dynamic.cp

In this policy, checkpoints are states after moving a block, in which this block didn't land on its intended target location.

The checkpointing policy definition file dynamic.cp is as follows:

checkpoint(TT) :- now(TT), move(X,Y,T),not on(X,Y), #succ(T,TT).

The stages which qualify for a checkpoint are 1,4 and 6. These are diagnosed and discrepancy can be found at stage 4. Here is the sample output of kmonitor:

 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 0
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 1
 > Checkpoint found, calling diagnosis
   No error at stage 1.
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 2
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 3
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 4
 > Checkpoint found, calling diagnosis
   Error at stage 4 - Point of failure at stage 3
   Point(s) of failure at stage 3;
   Failure state(s):
   istime(3), occupied(a), occupied(i), occupied(s), on(x,table), on(p,a), on(a,table),
   -on(r,table), -on(r,x), -on(r,p), -on(r,a), -on(r,r), on(r,i), -on(r,s), on(i,s),
   on(s,table), supported(x), supported(p), supported(a), supported(r), supported(i),

Dynamic checkpointing policy with sleep mode

kmonitor K.plan background.dl plan -add T.plan -sleep sleep.cp

In this policy, the current stage is a checkpoint if the move of a block did not work out as in the plan (i.e., the block just landed on a different location). Furthermore, checkpointing is suspended until the next "heavy" block will be moved, if such a move is on the agenda.

The checkpointing policy definition file sleep.cp is as follows:

checkpoint(TT) :- now(TT),     move(X,Y,T), not on(X,Y), #succ(T,TT).
checkpoint(UU) :- not now(UU), move(X,Y,U), heavy(X),    #succ(U,UU).
Then the stages 1,3,4, and 6 are "suspicious," because according to the plan, a heavy block is moved in the previous stage.
The checkpointing proceeds as follows: In the end, the answer set solver (DLV) is called to evaluate the checkpoint policy only 5 times instead of 7 times as under the above dynamic policy.
The output of kmonitor is as follows:
 > First checkpoint information found for stage 0
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 0
 > Sleeping until stage 1
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 1
 > Checkpoint found, calling diagnosis
   No error at stage 1.
 > Sleeping until stage 3
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 3
 > Sleeping until stage 4
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 4
 > Checkpoint found, calling diagnosis
   Error at stage 4 - Point of failure at stage 3
   Point(s) of failure at stage 3;
   Failure state(s):
   istime(3), occupied(a), occupied(i), occupied(s), on(x,table), on(p,a), on(a,table),
   -on(r,table), -on(r,x), -on(r,p), -on(r,a), -on(r,r), on(r,i), -on(r,s), on(i,s),
   on(s,table), supported(x), supported(p), supported(a), supported(r), supported(i),

   istime(3), occupied(a), occupied(i), occupied(s), on(x,table), on(p,a), on(a,table),
   -on(r,table), -on(r,x), -on(r,p), -on(r,a), -on(r,r), on(r,i), -on(r,s), on(i,s),
   on(s,table), supported(x), supported(p), supported(a), supported(r), supported(i),
 > Sleeping until stage 6
 > Calling DLV to check whether to do a checkpoint at stage 6
 > Checkpoint found, calling diagnosis
   No error at stage 6.
Try the examples above also with the -i switch (for interactive mode), and remove some of the state information ...

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Created and maintained by Jan Senko