I was born in 1973 in Braunau, Austria. After High School graduation I started studying Computer Science at Vienna University of Technology and received my masters degree in February 2000 with an industrial thesis carried out in cooperation with Alcatel Austria. I worked as a software engineer for Alcatel Austria from May 1998 to March 2000.
In April 2000 I started studying for a PhD, working as a project research assistant in the Knowledge-Based Systems Group. I received my PhD in September 2002, and for my thesis, I have been awarded the Heinz Zemanek Award 2004 by the Austrian Computer Society. Until the end of 2010 I held an assistant professor position within the Knowledge-Based Systems Group, where I continued to work as a PostDoc researcher since then. For details on academic activities see my research interests or teaching page.
In my spear time I like to do sports. I do play table tennis, ice hockey and soccer. I also like to play chess and Tarock (a traditional card game in Austria and southern Germany).