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Thomas Krennwallner

Thomas Krennwallner
University Assistant - Ph.D. Student
email: tkren SPIDER MONKEY kr FULL STOP tuwien PERIOD ac DOT at
Phone: +43 (1) 58 801 18469
Fax: +43 (1) 58 801 9 18469
Skype: add contact tuwien-ac-at and then dial extension 18469# with the dial pad
Office: Favoritenstrasse 9-11
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
3rd staircase, 3rd floor, room HD 03 09
(see location info or google maps)
Office hours: by appointment

Thomas Krennwallner received his BSc (Bakk. techn.) in software and information engineering (2005) and MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) in computational intelligence (2007) from the Vienna University of Technology, Austria. He works as a research and university assistant at the Institute of Information Systems at Vienna University of Technology, where he is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at the Knowledge-Based Systems Group. In 2007 and 2008, he was employed as research intern at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) of the National University of Galway, Ireland. Between 1999 and 2004 he was working as software developer in several companies. He won the Content Award Vienna 2012 Smart City Price with the MyITS project. His research was honored with a best paper award of the Int'l Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning 2011, and a best presentation award at the Doctoral Consortium of the Int'l Conference on Logic Programming 2011. He has been awarded the OCG Förderpreis 2009 (OCG advancement award 2009) of the Austrian Computer Society for his master thesis. Krennwallner is the competition chair of the Federated Logic Conference 2014 Olympic Games, organizing cochair of the fourth Answer Set Programming Competition 2013, and local organization cochair of the Reasoning Web (RW) 2012 summer school and the Int'l Web Reasoning and Rules Conference (RR) 2012 in Vienna. He is a team member of knowledge representation systems such as DLVHEX, DMCS, GiaBATA, and XSPARQL, and a maintainer for several Debian packages.

More details: Curriculum Vitae.

Current Research Projects

Past Research Projects


A list of my publications can be found on my publication page, at DBLP (Faceted DBLP, Classic DBLP), at Google Scholar Citations, or at the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.

Reasoning Web: Semantic Technologies for Advanced Query


See our teaching and courses section for my current courses and practical works.

Professional Activities


Program Committees

Reviewing for Journals

Reviewing for Conferences and Workshops


I use the Debian, Ubuntu, and Emacs Kitchen Sink operating systems.


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